Monday, June 11, 2012

seeing both sides.

I have always been the type of person to look at both sides of a situation or argument before making a decision. Especially when that decision is going to affect someone other than me. However, I am not as good at making other people hear me and see my side. I make it clear that I understand their side, but it usually takes a lot more to get them to understand mine.

I think that people have a hard time seeing a side other than their own because the majority of people look out for #1 (themselves). Obviously just like anything else, there are exceptions to that majority. Sometimes we do not look at both sides because we are worried about how the outcome might change if we do. Other times its because we are so busy pushing our opinion on others that we do not even hear what they have to say.

It can be especially frustrating when you are the one that is not being heard.

This frustration starts when you are talking to someone and you can tell that they are not even listening. Eventually, they start to converse back, and all of a sudden it is completely vital that you have to listen to every word they say, even though your words went right through them. Sometimes you talk back and do the very best you can to make them hear you. Other times you just give up and let them walk all over you. However, we must remember how important it is to be heard. Though at times it seems like it would be easier to just give up on getting your voice out, the regrets from not saying everything you needed to say can break you down.

Seeing both sides can be challenging at times, but it is something that is very important when it comes to friendships/any relationships. Be heard, and hear other people, because you never know how important it might be to them. The moment of understanding each other might just become a moment of impact for one or both of you.

"See my side, and I'll see yours better. Love me back, and I'll love you better."
- Jordin Sparks; "See My Side"

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