Summer; the time of year when cares are reduced to a minimum, friendships grow stronger, and memories are made. It is a time when we can be rejuvenated from a year in school, business, etc. We get enough sun and fresh air to last for the upcoming year, and most importantly we strengthen the relationships that matter the most to us.
I have always loved summer and everything about it. I guess you could say I get a little "high on summer time." Everything about it makes me smile. Sleeping in until noon, waking up early to go to the lake, staying out late with the best friends (sometimes doing nothing at all), the "heart to hearts" I have with those who are closest to me, never having my days go as planned, and of course laying out to get that perfect tan. Every summer is memorable. Each one has different memories that I will cherish forever. Trips that I went on, friends that I made/lost, and the inside jokes that still make me laugh. However, although it is not quite over yet, this summer has already had it's moment of impact on me.
This summer is the last summer before I move out on my own. That, in and of itself is something that I will remember for the rest of my life, as well as all of the mixed emotions that are coming with it. Excitement, fear, joy, and bitter-sweetness. Most of all though, this summer has been so memorable because of the people. There is nothing better than realizing who is truly there for me, who I know I can count on no matter what. Hearing someone say, I love you, and truly meaning it, will always bring a smile to my face and gratefulness in my heart no matter who says it. Especially because it has been a long time since I have let myself get close enough to people to cause them or myself feel that way in the first place. I have always been such a guarded person, and I still am. However, in a process of "healing," so to speak, it has been a struggle to let people in and love/be loved.
& so, these friendships and exchanged love have been what has caused a moment of impact this summer. These experiences have made my last summer at home memorable. I can not imagine where I would be in my life without these people and the memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I can only hope that I will never forget the influence love can have on other people and me, and bring this feeling with me wherever I go.
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