Sunday, May 13, 2012

first impressions.

This is just a letter I wrote to someone that was feeling down about things people were saying about them. Sometimes people don't realize what kind of an effect words can have on others, and I hate to see people feeling bad about the things we, as human beings, say without thinking.

"First impressions can mean everything, but they can also have no meaning at all. People formulate full opinions of someone without knowing them at all. I'm not saying I'm exempt from this because we all do it. What I want you to know is that these first impressions should not bring you down. Words can be harsh, but just remember that no matter what people say about you, they don't truly know what kind of a person you are.

They will never know unless they take the time to figure it out and get to know you themselves. If the opportunity arises and they do get to know you and decide they don't like you, do not let it bring you down. If your personality is not one that they normally get along with and they don't want to take the time to try, then it becomes their problem, not yours.

Accept yourself, and always be yourself, and I promise it will take you farther in life than the judgements people make."

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