"My theory is about moments, moments of impact. My theory is that these moments of impact, these flashes of high intensity that completely turn our lives upside down actually end up defining who we are. The thing is each one of us is the sum total of every moment that we’ve ever experienced with all the people we’ve ever known. And it’s these moments that become our history. Like our own personal greatest hits of memories that we play and replay in our minds over and over again."
As various events and experiences have been unfolding in my life, my mind keeps wandering to this theory of moments of impact. These moments appear in many different forms. They bring happiness, sadness, laughter, and satisfaction. The outcome of these moments is not easily predicted, and even when we think we know the outcome, the moment turns in a direction we never expected. A direction that, in the end, shows us a little bit more of the craziness that is life.
Recently, my moment of impact has been about small successes. Successes that are so satisfying, that even after a thousand fails, these little successes make everything completely worth it. Giving something/someone everything you have to give, and not seeing results becomes frustrating and heartbreaking; sometimes makes it hard to see a point in trying any longer. But then, when we least expect it, there is a breakthrough, a moment of impact. A moment that brings a realization that is just enough to keep trying. To keep giving everything your very best shot, even if it means failure.
These small moments, breakthroughs, bring the greatest joy. The little moments that many people overlook because we focus too much on the big things. There is no greater pleasure in my life than knowing that giving my very best can/will bring those small successes, those moments of impact.
"Life doesn't reciprocate. Everything is out of balance, and that's what makes it so stable and yet, so unstable at the same time. It isn't important what the world gives and does to you. What matters is what you do in return."
As various events and experiences have been unfolding in my life, my mind keeps wandering to this theory of moments of impact. These moments appear in many different forms. They bring happiness, sadness, laughter, and satisfaction. The outcome of these moments is not easily predicted, and even when we think we know the outcome, the moment turns in a direction we never expected. A direction that, in the end, shows us a little bit more of the craziness that is life.
Recently, my moment of impact has been about small successes. Successes that are so satisfying, that even after a thousand fails, these little successes make everything completely worth it. Giving something/someone everything you have to give, and not seeing results becomes frustrating and heartbreaking; sometimes makes it hard to see a point in trying any longer. But then, when we least expect it, there is a breakthrough, a moment of impact. A moment that brings a realization that is just enough to keep trying. To keep giving everything your very best shot, even if it means failure.
These small moments, breakthroughs, bring the greatest joy. The little moments that many people overlook because we focus too much on the big things. There is no greater pleasure in my life than knowing that giving my very best can/will bring those small successes, those moments of impact.
"Life doesn't reciprocate. Everything is out of balance, and that's what makes it so stable and yet, so unstable at the same time. It isn't important what the world gives and does to you. What matters is what you do in return."
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