Sunday, April 29, 2012

natural highs.

Natural High:
1. n. a euphoric or excited state of mind that is not due to ingestion of drugs or another substance
2. n. a period of excitement or exhilaration brought on by a natural cause

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year because to me it seems like a new beginning. Almost like breath of fresh air that allows me to step back and notice the moments that create joy in my life; or in other words, a natural high. These moments that create natural highs usually happen when they are least expected, and usually most needed. So, I compiled a list of things that I am thankful for because they are the generators of these natural highs that can end up being the most meaningful things in life:

  • the smell of rain
  • big hugs
  • getting a tan
  • being able to laugh through the tears
  • having my hair played with
  • playing in the rain
  • sleeping in
  • the perfect dream
  • the moment when I nail a part in a dance I've been struggling with
  • looking at old pictures/videos
  • singing to my favorite song
  • talking to someone I haven't seen in a while
  • dancing in the moonlight
  • girl's nights out
  • seeing the results of hard work
  • accomplishing a big goal I've set
  • making people's frowns turn upside down
  • staying true to myself no matter what
  • going for a jog & finishing strong
  • words of appreciation from people I associate with every day
  • laughing so hard that it seems I might uncover some abs
  • running through the sprinklers
  • making a big decision on my own
  • watching a chick flick
  • making a difference in someone's life
  • feeling a connection with someone I just met 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

the cure.

Being in various leadership positions, I have been told over and over again that attitude is something that can cause you to be highly successful or highly unsuccessful. Through my experiences, I have found this to be true. Whenever I have a smiling face and a positive attitude, my day is 100% better than when I'm not smiling. For the past year, I have made a goal to put everything behind me that has made me upset. This goal is something that I strive for every day, and for the most part I am able to go to bed and be happy with how I faced that day. However, as a human being, I sometimes falter with keeping a positive attitude and a happy face. Today has been one of those days where I have struggled a bit.

As of right now, my graduation day is 35 days away. Approximately 18 of those days are school days. Because I am so close to starting a new chapter in my life, the days are dragging by. Today, I was in a pretty ornery mood. I wasn't as outspoken as I usually am, and people I normally say "hi" to and make them laugh were disappointed because I didn't stop by. When this disappointment was brought to my attention, I had a horrible feeling. I wanted to bring my smile back and leave people laughing, but I had a hard time fixing my attitude. Luckily, after taking a break today I found a cure for this attitude of mine.

I realized that sometimes I take things for granted. I forget that there are so many people around me who could use some kind of a "pick-me-up" every day. It made me sad to think that my bad moods are because I am so focused on a day that is 35 nights away, instead of focusing on today. My cure for these bad moods is to focus on each moment at hand. To realize that there is probably someone in my world that is having a worse day than me. My cure is to throw away my bad attitude, and to help others throw theirs away too. My goal a year ago was to leave people better than I found them, I just seemed to forget about that for a little while.